With more than 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, it is one of the best platforms to advertise. Here are some reasons why FB Ads is the best choice for businesses, whether they are new or already established.
Over the last year, we have spent over $30,000,000+ testing Facebook ads campaigns inside of our own and our clients’ accounts. Looking back, We’ve made so many mistakes. We have tested things we shouldn’t have, we have waited too long for campaigns and ad sets to “optimize”, and we have tried to scale unscalable campaigns.
The good thing about it? You don’t have to do all these Fb ads mistakes because we’ve done them!
And you can learn the best strategies for testing, optimizing, and scaling your Facebook ads all from the comfort of your home.
Now with the Agency Level Facebook Ads Domination Course, you don’t have to pay in Lakhs…
You can use it as a business owner running ads for yourself. You can use it as a media buying agency looking for a framework to train new media buyers. You can use it to get your employee to do the Facebook ads for you. Sky is the limit here.
Who are looking to scale up and sell thier products/services online
Who are looking to add skill in facebook ads to their armoury
Who want to establish their strong presence in facebook ads sector
Who love to develop a new skill which can make them earn money
Who want to use the power of paid advertising to it's full extent
Who are into the same field and looking to enhance your prowess
What if running facebook ads for Products/Services was a piece of cake?
This is what Agency-Level Facebook Ads can do for you!
I started my digital marketing agency in 2011, Echovme with a two-member team ( My wife and I ) and with just one international client.
I had no money to hire more people, in fact it was very difficult to find talent and clients for this field back then.
I was in a lot of debt, so I had to find different ways to make money and sustain my family. I hosted my first ever Facebook Ads workshop in Mumbai in 2013 ( and got a house-full by running facebook ads ) and since then there was no looking back.
I have worked with more than 500+ brands in the last 10 years and spent over $100 million.
Echovme is a Meta Partner agency and has almost 100 employees now.
I started Digital Scholar in 2019 and have trained more than 100,000+ people now.
And all THIS was possible with the help of Facebook Ads!
Do these terms look Greek and Latin to you?
Don’t Worry! Just Give me 6 Hours of Your Time, and I promise you, you will start speaking the language of a true Facebook media buyer.
With more than 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, it is one of the best platforms to advertise. Here are some reasons why FB Ads is the best choice for businesses, whether they are new or already established.
The Agency level facebook ads domination course comes under a single fee of ₹19,999 only. None of the content in the course comes at an extra cost.