Travel Influencers on Instagram to Follow

Top 20 Travel Influencers to Follow on Instagram in India

Traveling on a budget can be tough. If you have little to no experience when it comes to traveling or booking flights, it can be hard to know where to start. But if you're trying to travel the world, or just spend less money on vacations, then following travel influencers on Instagram might just help you out. Here we have listed the top travel influencers on Instagram.

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If you’ve been looking for your favourite influencers among the Top 20 Travel Influencers to Follow on Instagram in India, sit back relaxed and explore this article, as we have shortlisted the top 20 Travel Influencers to Follow on Instagram in India, for your convenience.

There are certain tourists who, by their real passion for adventure, encourage people to create their own travel stories among a plethora of self-proclaimed travel influencers who use their celebrity as nothing more than a window to flaunt their glitzy lifestyle.

As the travel fad swept the Internet, a group of photographers and Instagrammers committed themselves to delve deeper into the consciousness of actual India. On the other hand, others are redefining the quirky with their eccentric trips to lesser-known parts of the globe.

These folks, who began with only an Instagram account, have progressed to become travel influencers in their own niche/category over time.

The Indian travel sector has experienced tremendous development, and because to lower flight rates and improved connectivity, more Indians are travelling than ever before.

I have yet to encounter a visitor who dislikes it, and Incredible India provides more alternatives and diversity for vacationers than any other nation. Incredible India has everything for a visitor wishing to spend quality time with family and self, from the snowcapped Himalayas to the gorgeous beaches.

Influencer marketing in the travel sector offers a wide range of tools and benefits that traditional marketing methods can’t match. Influencers effortlessly navigate the different problems that traditional marketing encounters today, whether it is the trust that influencers have earned with their fan base or the diverse revenue models they provide.

With social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, among others, increasingly becoming an indispensable part of our everyday lives, social media marketing today caters to a global audience. Establishing a successful influencer marketing plan will become a crucial aspect of marketing activities, allowing firms to connect to their specialised audience via major travel influencers, with a combined network of roughly 3 billion individuals across such platforms.

These travel influencers weave a magnificent kaleidoscope with a colourful images depicting the finest of locations and experiences they came across while sharing their adventures through their snappy writeups. Take a look at these incredible Instagram accounts and give yourself a daily dose of greatness.

Top 20 Travel Influencers to Follow on Instagram in India

1. Shivya Nath

Travel Influencers - Shivya Nath

Shivya Nath had a very ordinary existence until the day she decided she was tired of her corporate job and wanted to see what else was out there. Shivya Nath, author of the best-selling book “The Shooting Star,” feels that the answer is to travel slowly and alone, seeking important local encounters all over the world.

The Shooting Star - Book By Shivya Nath - National Bestseller


  • 2020 – Awarded gold for “Best communicator” at the WTM Responsible Tourism Awards India.
  • 2018 – Awarded silver for “Best writing” in a travel blog at TBC Asia Awards
  • 2014 – “India’s Best Young Social Media Professional” at CMO Asia Awards

Follow her for authentic, unusual, and very educational tales.

Social Media Accounts of Shivya Nath

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@shivya109K followers
Facebook@theshootingstarblog40K followers
Twitter@shivya27.5K Followers

2. Ajay Sood

Travel Influencer - Ajay Sood

Ajay Sood is a well-known travel photographer who has won the Outlook Magazine Photographer of the Year award as well as various other blogging competitions. Though he wears several hats, including TBEX speaker and travel blogger, his passion is photography. His Instagram page, appropriately named Traveller, takes you on a visual tour of India’s inherent spirit and culture.

Check out his Instagram profile.

Social Media Accounts of Ajay Sood

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@travelure5,113 followers
Facebook@profile.ajaysood1,406 Followers
Twitter@thetravelure3,761 Followers

3. Archana Singh

Travel Influencer - Archana Singh

Archana defies the “leave your work, travel the globe” mantra as a travel journalist, brand management specialist, photographer, and public speaker. All of her travel photos and articles on her “Travel See Write” blog are actual testaments to why she travels in the first place—for causes that go beyond adventures, such as environmental awareness and women empowerment.

Check out her Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Archana Singh

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@travelseewrite143K followers
Facebook@travelseewrite129K followers
Twitter@TravelSeeWrite33.5K Followers

4. Nivedith Gajapathy

Travel Influencer - Nivedith Gajapathy

Nivedith puts himself in an unusual niche, or what you can call the future of travel blogging, through his praised works in prominent travel publications and editorials. You don’t just “tour” when you go macro; it’s more about your own experience than the destination. His area of expertise is culinary tourism, and he is also a tech enthusiast.

Check out his Instagram profile.

Social Media Accounts of Nivedith Gajapathy

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@nivedithg292K followers
Facebook@macrotraveller192K followers
Twitter@nivedithg32.9K Followers
YouTube@macrotravellertamil4.28K subscribers

5. Siddhartha Joshi

Travel Influencer - Siddartha Joshi

Sid-The Wanderer is a continuously top-rated blog that began as an evening time pass for him to tell his trip narrative with his pals. “I blog, I design, I travel, and it all began with my passion and fascination for studying people,” Siddhartha says, and his work proves it.

Check out his Instagram profile.

Social Media Accounts of Siddhartha Joshi

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@siddharthajoshi348K followers
Facebook@siddharthajoshi65K followers
Twitter@siddharthajoshi8,875 Followers
YouTube@Siddhartha Joshi12K subscribers

6. Sharanya Iyer

Travel Influencer - Sharanya Iyer

Brilliant photographer and solo traveller Sharanya Iyer motivates viewers on Instagram and aspiring explorers and travellers. Young Sharanya Iyer is also a well-known YouTuber running her channel for followers who fall in love with travel vlogs. She is popular because she gives her best even on the worst travel days with so many details regarding the ambience, routes and places to visit.

Long story short, As an “eternal student of the global classroom,” she describes herself as having grown up around “catching flights and hotel stays.” She had her “eureka” moment and realised she wanted to explore more during a family trip to Circa in 2015. That’s how she becomes one of the popular travel influencers in India.

So, if you are fond of looking around the world with cultural, modern and religious tastes, then don’t forget to check out her Instagram.

Social Media Accounts of Sharanya Iyer

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@trulynomadly248K followers
Twitter@trulynomadly1,979 Followers
YouTube@TrulyNomadly3.88K subscribers

7. Footloose Dev

Travel Influencer - Footloose Dev

Devesh, who was born and raised in New Delhi, hadn’t even visited his hometown until he encountered a group of like-minded travellers while trekking across the Himalayas. He had no idea that the event would instil in him an insatiable desire to travel! He not only gives travel advice, but he also educates individuals on how to generate money through blogging. Currently, one of India’s greatest travel influencers.

Check out his Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Footloose Dev

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@footloosedev18.9K followers
Facebook@footloosedev46K followers
Twitter@footloosedev3,838 Followers
YouTube@Footloose Dev52K subscribers

8. Ami Bhat

Travel Influencer - Ami Bhat

When asked about herself, Ami describes herself as “a restless ball of energy born with a travel bug.” Want to know how to balance your full-time job with travel? Ami Bhat is the perfect person to ask because she has over 15 years of expertise in digital marketing and has never stopped travelling.

When Places Come Alive - book by Travel Influencer Ami Bhat

Check out her Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Ami Bhat

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@amibhat16.9K followers
Facebook@amibhat8K followers
Twitter@amibhat10.8K Followers
YouTube@amibhat260 subscribers

9. Abhinav Singh

Travel Influencer - Abhinav Singh

Abhinav, who had been fired from his work for using too many vacation days (obviously to travel! ), viewed this as an opportunity to break away from his routine. His Instagram feed is a chicken soup for the souls with incurable wanderlust, filled with real photos of the great folks he met while travelling.

Check out his Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Abhinav Singh

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@asoulwindow72.6K followers
Facebook@asoulwindowtravelblog5.6K followers

10. Swati and Sam

Travel Influencer - Swati and Sam

If you don’t want to fall in love, don’t follow them! Because these two are capable of giving you major couple goals. They have visited 16 overseas places as well as some off-the-beaten-path cities in India.

Check out their Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Swati and Sam

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@swati_n_sam17.2K followers
Facebook@thetalesofatraveler6.5K followers
Twitter@@talesoftraveler5,952 Followers
YouTube@swati_n_sam36 subscribers

11. Indrani Ghose

Travel Influencer - Indrani Ghose

Indrani Ghose has a distinct viewpoint on everything she observes, as seen by her Instagram page. They’re lovely, interesting, and have a mysterious air about them. Indrani Ghose is the greatest person to follow if you’re looking for travel inspiration and a few photographic tips.

Check out her Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Indrani Ghose

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@indranipics52.5K followers
Facebook@MyOnwardJourney4.8K followers
Twitter@IndraniTweeets9,339 Followers

12. Amrita and Agni

Travel Influencer - Amrita and Agni

There are a #couple on the loose! Here’s another adventure-seeking pair who believes in stretching the boundaries of their relationship by going on adventures together. Their blog, “Tale of 2 Backpackers,” provides detailed information on how to go to India’s key tourist spots in a non-touristy manner.

Check out their Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Amrita and Agni

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@offbeatanduntold20.3K followers
Facebook@offbeatanduntold10K followers
Twitter@offbeat_untold3,901 Followers
YouTube@OffbeatandUntold2.18K subscribers

13. Karthik Murali

Travel Influencer - Karthik Murali

Karthik Murali, a data scientist with 13 years on the road, adds a unique technological edge to travel. If you enjoy travel, technology, and lifestyle, Karthik’s blog “An Asian Traveller” is a must-read.

Check out his Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Karthik Murali

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@hkmurali15.2K followers

14. Prachi and Himadri Garg

Travel Influencer - Prachi and Himadti Garg

When sisters travel together, they don’t argue (just kidding, they fight more). They feel that spontaneous travels are more likely to occur and that there is no use in waiting for the “ideal moment to travel.” They feel spontaneity is the most wonderful element of travel, according to CNN.

Check out their Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Prachi and Himadri Garg

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@himadri14.6K followers
Facebook@ghoomophiro2.8K followers
Twitter@prachimadri3,071 Followers
YouTube@himadrigarg356 subscribers

15. Archana and Vidur

Travel Influencer - Archana and Vidur

This biking pair claims they began travelling because they were tired of the “rat race” and wanted to be out on the open road instead. Follow them for in-depth information on how to identify the best routes in India for bike journeys and where to find them. They are one of the top travel influencers to follow in India for road trips.

Check out their Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Archana and Vidur

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@travelmynation37.8K followers
Facebook@travelmynation5.3K followers
Twitter@travelmynation400 Followers
YouTube@Travelmynation58 subscribers

16. Niranjan Das

Travel Influencer - Niranjan Das

Niranjan Das is a unique influencer in that he feels that travel isn’t all glitter and gold, and that’s not what it’s all about. He has been to several nations in Europe and numerous towns in India, and he seeks to capture the essence of the cultures he encounters.

Check out his Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Niranjan Das

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@rniranjan_das1,751 followers
Facebook@Tales Of A Nomad1.6K followers
Twitter@rniranjan_das1,418 Followers

17. Revati and Charles Victor

Travel Influencer - Revati and Charles Victor

Wildlife tourism is Charles and Revati’s speciality after 9 years on the road and 35 countries visited. They travel while working full-time, and their blog covers a wide range of topics, from culture and lifestyle to people and experiences from all around the world.

Check out their Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Revati and Charles Victor

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@differentdoors26.4K followers
Facebook@differentdoorstravel4.4K followers
Twitter@dd_traveller7,880 Followers

18. Mariellen Ward

Travel Influencer - Mariellen Ward

It’s refreshing to hear from a Canadian travel influencer on how to get the most out of your trip to India. Another reason you should follow her is that she was so taken with India that she went on to create a book called “Songs of India.”

Songs of India Book by Travel Influencer Mariellen Ward

Check out her Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Mariellen Ward

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@breathedreamgo8,004 followers
Facebook@Breathedreamgo14K followers
Twitter@breathedreamgo31.1K Followers

19. Dheeraj Sharma

Travel Influencer - Dheeraj Sharma

Dheeraj Sharma’s Instagram and “Devil On Wheels” blog, which is best characterised as a large blanket of snow assembled in images, may convince you to quit everything and visit the Himalayas right immediately. His paintings not only inspire amazement in every travel enthusiast, but they also show people how to create their own journeys.

Check out his Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Dheeraj Sharma

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@devilonwheels21K followers
Facebook@devilonwheels57,022 followers
YouTube@DheerajSharma01423.2K subscribers

20. Shubham Mansingka

Travel Influencer - Shubham Mansingka

His travel writings capture what others overlook, from Manali’s multicoloured valleys to Goa’s flashy beaches. I’m not sure if he hunts for experiences or the other way around. If you’re looking for real and uncompromising travel adventures, Shubham Mansingka’s work is a wonderful place to start.

Check out his Instagram profile

Social Media Accounts of Shubham Mansingka

Social MediaUsernamesFollowers
Instagram@shubham.mansingka14.2K followers
Facebook@Travelshoebum3K followers
Twitter@travelshoebum6K Followers


Travelling adds up years to life. The more you invest yourself in travelling, the more you will come nearer to finding yourself.

The above-mentioned are the Top 20 Travel Influencers to Follow on Instagram in India.

Who among the above-mentioned travel influencers is your favourite? Comment below and let us know.

Happy Travelling!

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Written By
Digital Scholar

Digital Scholar is a premier agency-styled digital marketing institute in India. Which offers an online digital marketing course and a free digital marketing course worldwide to elevate their digital skills and become industry experts. Digital Scholar is headed by Sorav Jain and co-founder Rishi Jain, who are pioneers in the field of digital marketing. Digital Scholar’s blogs touch upon numerous aspects of digital marketing and help you get intensive ideas of different domains of digital marketing.

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