Instagram business bio ideas

Instagram Business Bio Ideas: How To Make A Strong Insta Bio!

Have you ever wondered how to make your business bio on Instagram strong? Don't worry we have got you! If you run any business on social media, it’s important to choose a strong description for your profile bio. In this article, we’ll share some useful tips that will help you create an eye-catching text that can make potential customers stop scrolling and get in touch with your brand.

Table of Contents

The first thing that users see visiting your Instagram account is a profile bio. It’s a part that can tell them about you or your business in just a bit more than 100 characters. Therefore, It has to be catchy. In this article, we’ll see different Instagram business bio ideas and will teach you how to draw clients’ and followers’ attention using just this small part of your Instagram page.

Don’t rush to start making the Instagram business bio!

First Set Up Your Instagram Account

Before we start creating your perfect business bio on Instagram, we have to work with a username, profile name, and avatar.

1. Come Up With Your Username

Traditionally, people have accounts on different socials. So, if you want people to find your Instagram page with ease, use the same username that you have on other social networks. Probably, you may also want to use the same text in your business account that you used there. 

In case you’re a new user in the world of social networks, use the name of your brand as your username.

Please note: it’s possible to add up to 30 characters to your Instagram username. But try to make it shorter. Remember, it has to be catchy and associated somehow with your business.

Instagram bio Ideas - Nike

Well-known business brands don’t have to worry that it’s difficult to find their business profile on Instagram, but start-ups must add keywords to their bio, specifically to their usernames. This way, in the case of users, who are looking, for example, for flowers, they can find your account as your username contains the word “flowers”. 

Look at this example. This account’s name has the word “candles”.

Instagram bio ideas - Gratitudejoy

2. Think Over a Profile Name

Create a profile name to explain your Instagram username. For instance, you can write the full name of your shop. 

Please note: you can use only 30 characters. Don’t worry if it’s not enough, you will be able to describe your business in your Instagram bio. 

Instagram profile idea - spirit and travel

If you want your business to get to the search top, it’s better to use keywords on Instagram, and not only in your bio. Add what exactly your business offers to your clients. For instance, instead of just writing “the best shop according to your friend’s opinion”, add “jackets in NYC”.

If you run a local business, don’t forget to mention where it’s established. This way, people will see that your Instagram account can offer something that they need to get in their city.

For instance, this Instagram account’s based in Chicago. 

Instagram profile idea - Cake Chicago

As we mentioned above, there is no need for keywords in the profile name if your business brand is well-known. People know your company’s name. Therefore, it’s important to add it to the name part of your Instagram bio.

Don’t forget to think about the features that distinguish your business from your competitors. For instance, you can write that your cosmetics are 100% natural and cruelty-free. Or if you want to emphasize that your company was established long-long ago, just write “based in Prague since 1969”.

3. Think Over Your Profile Photo

Your profile picture is as important for your business on Instagram as the bio. Try to choose a photo where it’s easy to understand who or what is depicted there. 

If you want users to easily find you on Instagram, use the picture that’s uploaded as an avatar on your other socials.

Please note: 180×180 pixels is the minimal dimension for the profile photo.

Instagram profile picture idea - Samsung

If you still didn’t come up with your own logo, try to find a picture that’s relatively associated with your business.

For instance, if you sell cosmetics, find a picture with mascara, lipstick, cream, or something like that for your Instagram. Or just take a picture of your shop and upload it as an avatar.

Remember that it doesn’t mean that your profile photo has to be for New York’s Time magazine. No. It has to be understandable, real, and vivid. This way, Instagram users will be caught by it.

Instagram profile ideas - TeenProLifers

If we’re talking about more serious fields like law or medicine, upload your personal photo. It would be better if you were in your office. This way, people will see that you’re a person who’s a specialist in this field.

4. Instagram Categories

Choose a category of your Instagram business page, it will be shown above your bio. There are plenty of them: translator, lawyer, writer, singers, artists, etc. These words or words are displayed under the name. They can tell visitors of your page what your major is.

How to choose a category on Instagram:

  1. Go to your Instagram page and tap Edit Profile.
  2. Then, hit Category.
  3. You can select the right category from the list, or just type it in the search bar to find it.
  4. Hit Done
Instagram bio ideas - Edit profile
Instagram bio ideas - Hit Category
Select category - Instagram bio ideas

That’s it! You added a category to your Instagram account.

Instagram bio ideas

5. Lead Your Followers to the Website

You have to know one vital thing about building a business on Instagram: it’s possible to add only one active link. And it’s placed in the bio part. We know how hard it is to decide what to add to your Instagram. If you still bounce back and forth among all your socials and messaging apps, Tap link is here to lend a hand.

It’s an advanced tool for placing multiple links to your Instagram bio, which will be really beneficial for your business. It doesn’t limit you in their amount at all. Thus, you can share with your followers and clients all your social networks and give them all the possible ways to contact you. 

Look how Tap link pages look like:

Instagram bio ideas - add links
Instagram bio ideas - lead the followers to website
Instagram bio ideas - Lead your followers to website Moda

6. Contact Buttons

Another thing that may boost your business on Instagram is the contact buttons. They’re displayed at the top part of your page under the bio. These buttons allow your followers to call or email you directly from Instagram. That means that there is no need for you to give your contacts to everyone who asks for it.

Instagram bio ideas - contact buttons

For adding such buttons under your Instagram bio, you have to run a Business account.

How to add buttons for contacts:

  • Tap Edit Profile.
  • Hit Contact options.
  • Add your phone number, email, and address.
  • Tap Save.
  • Hit Profile display.
  • Tap the slider next to Display contact info.
  • Tap Add Contact Info.
  • Hit Done to save changes.
Set contact button on Insta - Instagram bio ideas
Instagram bio ideas - contact option
Add contacts - Instagram bio ideas
Instagram bio ideas - save contact information
Profile display - Instagram bio ideas
Display profile - Insta bio ideas
Save contact info
Hit done - Instagram bio ideas

That’s it! You added a contact button.

Profile after added contact info

7. Special Buttons For Shops

If you use Instagram for promoting your shop, your business may get great help from adding a shop button under the bio. You can find it in the Action buttons. 

Please note: for creating a shop button, you have to link your Instagram account and your Facebook shop.

That’s what it looks like:

Instagram bio ideas - Puma

What To Add To The Instagram Business Bio?

Okay, we added a profile photo, username, name, and contacts and learned how to create contact call-to-action buttons to your Instagram account and write a great Instagram business bio. Well, it’s time to talk about the text a bit more.

done and done instagram profile setup

✅ Create an Instagram Bio Text for Your Business

Remember that you have to be short as you have only 150 symbols in your Instagram bio. Try to come up with a  catchy description of your business. 

If you want all your text to be displayed, use about 125 symbols. In case you’re going to add emojis, you have to know that they take the place of 2-3 characters.

Place the vital information in the first line, as users may not read up to the end of your text.

Instagram bio ideas - Android

What to Add to the Instagram Bio Text in Your Business Profile?

Explain to people why the goods and services your business offers are exceptional, write it in your Instagram bio:

  • tell about your advantages and unique features,
  • tell what you sell,
  • add address,
  • tell about your business,
  • add other related Instagram pages.
Instagram bio ideas - Taplink

The text in your Instagram business bio is a chance for you to show your audience who you are and what you can give them. Show the best side of your business using any ways you want, for instance, jokes, facts, famous expressions, etc.

✏️ Draw Client Attention With the “Call-To-Action” Method

You have the option to encourage people on Instagram to click only one link. Attract their attention with creative emojis, phrases, fonts, and symbols in bio. Specify where the link leads to. People will be more likely to click on it if they know where they are going.

️#️⃣ Don’t Forget About Hashtags

If you want to increase the chances that your business profile can be found by Instagram users, add hashtags in your bio. It’s the number sign that you can add before the word to make it clickable.

You can use common hashtags like #food or #animals, or you can come up with your own. This way, your followers can easily distinguish your posts from others.

Instagram bio ideas - Adidas

Instagram Business Bio Ideas: Tips for Creating a Catchy Insta Bio

Here are some tips that can help you to make a stunning Instagram business bio.

🔵 Get a Blue Badge

Get the blue badge to show your account is verified. This is especially important for big brands as there are so many fakes on Instagram. Thus, the blue tick helps them to understand that your business profile is the original.

Instagram bio ideas -Kyliejenner

🚫 Don’t Be Afraid of Fonts

As we’ve told you before, fonts can catch attention, therefore, don’t avert them in your Instagram business bio.

You can say that there are no optional fonts on Instagram. Sure, you’re right. But don’t forget about third-party services that provide you with hundreds of options.

You can check these services:

  • IGFonts (Website),
  • Fonts & Texts Emoji for Instagram (iOS),
  • Cool Fonts for Instagram (Android).

Just use any of them, type your text, choose the most appealing font and add it to your bio on Instagram.

Instagram bio ideas - Brazillian booty treatments

Instagram Business Bio Ideas

Okay, now, when we discussed all the components of a successful Instagram bio, it’s time to look at real business examples.

You can notice that each of these users added links to their Taplink pages in the website field. Creating them on Taplink, it’s possible to use both Taplink’s domain and your own one. Choose the suitable option for your business and place the page in the Instagram bio.

Here are the some Instagram business bio ideas you can learn and implement for your business;

1. Animal Hospital

Here is the first instagram bio idea example. Let’s start with a page about an animal hospital. When we look at this Instagram page, we can see that its logo is placed as an avatar. In the profile name, we see that this business provides free medical treatment for animals. To make a description in the profile bio, the owners of the account added facts in numbers, and also emphasized that everyone can help save the lives of our little friends. And as a website, they added a link to their Taplink page.

If we follow the link, we will see buttons to make a donation, as well as a video about this organization. As we scroll down the page, we can notice one more video that reveals more information about how doctors help animals. Additionally, there are links that allow us to connect with the doctors and where we can find their accounts.

Instagram bio ideas - Free animal doctor
Instagram animal hospital
Free Animal Doctor

2. Beauty Device 

Let’s look at the following Instagram bio idea example. This is a manufacturer of Japanese facial devices, which is represented in the United States. How did we get it? We used the search on Instagram.

This business account did everything to be easily found on Instagram. Take a look at the username. Here we see both the keyword “skin” and the location “the US”. The avatar has the manufacturer’s logo, and in the profile name, it gives us an explanation that the account provides skin care products. 

Also, note that the business selected Health/Beauty as the category. This also tells us what the account is dedicated to. In the description of the bio profile, we see the country of origin, the terms of the return guarantee, and the attention of Instagram users attracted by the emoji pointing to the link.

If we click on it, we will see a description of the brand’s products here, as well as several links. Each of them provides important information on how to buy, and how to get. You can also find more information about the brand and ask questions here.

Instagram bio ideas - L&L Skin
L&L Skin

3. Blog Author

In the third Instagram bio idea example, we see the Instagram page of a writer. If you look at the username, we will see that her name is Julia. And if you look at the profile name, then she writes articles for the blog. To structure the thoughts in the description, Julia added each thought on a separate line and used emojis in her bio. And with the help of arrows, she draws our attention to the link to Taplink.

If we follow the link, we will see a link to the blog. As we scroll down the page, we see links to the categories into which the articles are divided. This is done specifically for easy navigation among a variety of texts. That’s why, we can make a conclusion that Julia uses her Taplink to share with her readers new articles.

Instagram bio ideas - Juliamoorenuc
Taplink blog author

4. Training

Consider the fourth Instagram bio idea example. This is the page of a person who conducts courses on eyelash extensions. Both the Instagram username of the profile and its name tell us about this.

In the description of the Instagram account, we see a link to the account of the salon where the training is held and where clients can choose a date for eyelash extensions. And their Taplink page has been added as a website under the business bio. You can see that this link to a Taplink page is a bit different from other business examples. This is because Tina added her own domen.

If we follow the link, we will see not just a page with links, but a full-fledged site. Here are the reasons why you need to train as an eyelash extension specialist, course prices, an enrollment form, and contacts. And since this is an offline course, the creators of the course also added a map with the location of the salon.

Brazilian booty treatment
Training Instagram account
Instagram training account - Taplink

5. Business Helper

Here is the Instagram bio ideas for Business helper.

Now let’s take a look at the page that Jokadeo Suntubo’s created to present her business on Instagram. In the name field, Jokadeo indicated that she is the creator and ideator. This makes us understand that the woman helps businesses develop. She describes herself in her business bio using the following words: “Jack of all trades, master of some”. It also attracts attention. As an avatar, Jokadeo Suntubo added her bright and cheerful photo.

Let’s follow the link to her Taplink page. Here the woman reveals the nature of her work. She offers several links to follow to learn more about her, read her blog, and connect with her. And at the end of the page, Jokadeo added a video from her YouTube channel so that users can watch it without leaving the Taplink page.

Instagram bio ideas - Joldeosuntubo
Business helper Instagram account
Instagram business helper

Let’s Recap

So these were the Instagram business bio ideas for you. Now, you know how to create a strong Instagram business bio. Pay enough attention to each part so that your bio will be the most suitable for you. Use a multiple link service, so users can learn more about you.

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Instagram reels mastery course

Happy Instagramming!!

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Written By
Digital Scholar

Digital Scholar is a premier agency-styled digital marketing institute in India. Which offers an online digital marketing course and a free digital marketing course worldwide to elevate their digital skills and become industry experts. Digital Scholar is headed by Sorav Jain and co-founder Rishi Jain, who are pioneers in the field of digital marketing. Digital Scholar’s blogs touch upon numerous aspects of digital marketing and help you get intensive ideas of different domains of digital marketing.

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