guide for creating cornerstone content

What is Cornerstone Content? [With 7 Expert Tips to Create One]

Cornerstone content is one of the most important pieces of content on your website. Learn what it is and how to create one with these seven expert tips.

Table of Contents

Everyone needs content, and everyone has content. But what good is content if no one is looking for it or won’t read it? “What is a Cornerstone Content?” is a question everyone asks at one point or another.

When we talk about cornerstone content, we mean content that is so important that it deserves to be the foundation of your website and everything else. 

Of course, every website needs a lot of different content, but more often than not, it’s your cornerstone content that gets the most traffic.

Writing cornerstone content aims to fully achieve the business goal while also driving visitors to the website.

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Now Let’s continue to know more about cornerstone!

What is Cornerstone Content?

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Cornerstone content is the content on your site that gives authority, establishes credibility, and demonstrates your knowledge and expertise about your brand or business. 

But your website’s cornerstone content also needs to be the same content across all your site pages. 

In the same way, your house’s foundation is built with a solid foundation, your website’s pages are built on a solid foundation of cornerstone content.

Basically, the content should be relevant to the business goals.

What are the Benefits of a Cornerstone Content Piece?

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Listed below are the benefits of Cornerstone contents

  • Build brand trust 
  • Build links 
  • Get more organic traffic 
  • Establish authority 
  • Build credibility 
  • Delivers value 
  • Create trust 
  • Improve conversions 
  • Increases sales/conversions

What Makes a Piece of Cornerstone Content Successful?

Great content is all about giving your readers the information they want and then letting them decide where else to look.

That’s not always easy, and if you’re not sure how to create the best content for your audience, it might feel like you’re reinventing the wheel. 

That’s where you can draw on an article that has been successful in a subject area in which your business competes. 

Learn how others have put together great content, and you can use the information you’re learning to build high-quality content of your own.

But here are some constant elements you can always use for a cornerstone post;

  • Relevant photos, 
  • Infographics, charts, 
  • Graphs, 
  • Stats, 
  • Video with music, 
  • Links to the article, 
  • Quotes from experts.

Now let’s look at the top 7 step guide to creating amazing cornerstone content

7-Step Guide to Creating Amazing Cornerstone Content

1. Research the Topic In Depth

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Content holds the most value for purchasing decisions in today’s diverse marketing ecosystem. So, if you’re creating content, you must work hard to make it valuable.

In 2020, Gartner’s research predicted that B2B content would account for 70% of B2B content dollars in 2022. 

The cornerstone content of your content marketing needs to be both factually accurate and valuable. 

Content marketers are tasked with creating content that positions their brand as a thought leader and drives demand. 

It’s especially important to be confident when writing on a topic you have little knowledge about. 

People tend to believe and trust the information they find on websites they trust. 

So, if you’re writing about a topic about which you know little, make sure to use credible sites, and be transparent in your use of outside sources. 

Also, make sure you provide relevant information, such as sources or statistics, that your audience can use to verify what you say.

2. Create A Cornerstone Post

Cornestone content
source: Yoast

Please do not be in such a hurry to finish writing your cornerstone article. Too often see, bloggers rush to create a cornerstone article because they know they need one. 

It’s a critical piece of content that establishes your blog as authoritative, and authoritative blogs attract traffic. 

The cornerstone post you have to create for your blog is not the cornerstone article that will drive your blog to stardom. Cornerstone articles take time.

The goal of writing cornerstone articles is to create something your readers will look forward to reading. 

And, because you’re writing cornerstone articles, you want them to answer a burning question or solve a common problem. 

Write cornerstone articles that will stand the test of time. 

And don’t sweat it. 

Stay focused on creating a cornerstone article your audience will love. 

You’ll be glad you did!!!

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3. Find Out What Other Experts Think

Neil Patel and Pat Flynn are beloved bloggers, but Flynn’s 10K Challenge was extremely appreciable. His blog turned his blog into a business that generated millions in revenue. 

Flynn is the king of creating content that is highly valuable to readers.

What is Cornerstone Content?

Also, try to get more ideas from the experts like this and start uploading your cornerstone content to generate more revenue.

4. Ensure that your Outbound Linking is Thoughtful and Resourceful

Pick sites that have a lot of weight in your niche. Don’t link to huge sites like Wikipedia. 

Keep your outbound linking to a minimum. When outbound linking, always make sure that it’s relevant. If you want a resource to be accessible via your link, make sure that the help is worth linking to. 

If it’s not, you can question your link’s relevance, either delete it or simply include it, but make sure to edit the anchor text to some other phrase.

5. Again and Again, Proofread and Edit

Now here’s your chance to put all those grammar lessons to practice. 

Onward to writing your cornerstone article.

First, make sure your article title, subtitle, and headline fit well. 

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Then, highlight your main points and place them in bold. Finally, spell check and proofread before publishing.

Grammarly is one of the best tools to buy, which helps check grammar in a matter of time.

6. Create a Variety of Content

Include an image, a video, a quote, a link to another source, a screenshot, a gif, a persona, an infographic, a signature, a diagram, and an example of your type or technique

 A recent experiment by the team at Grammarly found that some types of content, such as infographics, GIFs, and quotes, perform better than others. 

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“They get to read 15-20% more often than other types of content,” they write. 

The same is true for video, which people tend to watch 10-15% more than other types of content. 

Infographics, gifs, quotes, videos, and photos all stand out from text-heavy articles, and, when done right, they tell a great story. 

But while infographics and gifs are becoming increasingly popular, they’re not always the most accessible content format. 

That’s why captions, quotes, and screenshots are smart content choices.

7. Don’t Hold Back on Publishing and Promotion

Once your post is published, you will most likely want to launch it on your website and social media platforms officially. 

Your cornerstone content is the foundation of your content marketing strategy

So, consider it first. 

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Once you have your cornerstone content live and optimised, you can begin to promote it.

  • Email your list 
  • Post it on social media 
  • Host a webinar 
  • Post it on your blog 
  • Support the content in the comments 
  • Repurpose the content for other content


I hope you learned a lot about quality cornerstone content. Please check out our daily blog updates and leave us a comment; we’d love to hear from you.

If you’re having trouble writing cornerstone content for your website, give our digital marketing agency a call; we’d be happy to assist you with our team of professionals.

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Written By
Digital Scholar

Digital Scholar is a premier agency-styled digital marketing institute in India. Which offers an online digital marketing course and a free digital marketing course worldwide to elevate their digital skills and become industry experts. Digital Scholar is headed by Sorav Jain and co-founder Rishi Jain, who are pioneers in the field of digital marketing. Digital Scholar’s blogs touch upon numerous aspects of digital marketing and help you get intensive ideas of different domains of digital marketing.

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